I love massage

Everyone Loves Massages

I’m an escort in London who now and again really loves to treat her self. I don’t mean a shopping trip or a new pair of shoes, I mean an entire spa day full of relaxing massages, saunas and time to myself that I consider very valuable. Everyone should have a treat to take a break from the stresses of life – not that my life is terribly stressful. Working as a one of the most in demand escorts in London can be quite tiring, but definitely in a good way! Sometimes it takes a lot of energy to ensure my clients are satisfied with my service so every other month I try to treat myself to my spa day.

I love going for a long massage and feeling all the tension in my muscles fade away. Massages are a personal favourite of mine when it comes to my clients; I think that everyone loves massages! They are so intimate yet relaxing and I find them a really good way to get to know someone if you’re a bit nervous. The next stop after my own massage is normally a deliciously hot Jacuzzi. I love the feeling of bubbles on my skin. I actually have a Jacuzzi at my apartment but when I use it it’s usually not on my own! Next I’ll hit the sauna where I’ll breathe in the hot steam and let my worries melt away. I love the feeling of the sauna, the intense heat and the heavy breathing – kind of reminds me of something else! When I think about it, my apartment is kind of like its own mini spa! I have the Jacuzzi, the massages and my own version of a sauna…that won’t stop me from visiting my favourite spa though and taking the time to relax in my own little world.