Beautiful, beautiful days.

Last week I had a bit of a family situation, which surprised me and sort of took it out of me, so I went AWOL. Again!! Everything is much better now and of course I am much better. The post below is what I jotted down before all the family craziness happend…!

I have loved the sunny weather again the last few days! Thank god, it’s putting everyone in a better mood, including me. Now, if we can just do something about the sun coming up at 5 a.m., followed by the very loud and determined chirps from the birds – then we would all be well slept AND be able to enjoy the good weather! 😉

Though I have been very busy with my course , I have been fortunate to find some time to play, as innocent as it may be. ☺ I went to see The Ghost which is about a ghost writer, writing an autobiography for an ex-Priminister. Pretty good, though the bad English accent killed me every time! (aka Samantha from Sex and the City) We went to an adorable picture house, call the Everyman Theatre, it was really cute, small, intimate viewing room with wonderful Gummy Bears! Lots and lots of fun.

But now that the weather is finally starting to cooperate, and I have a few friends coming in town, I am starting to get the summer itch. ☺ All I want to do is lay in the park and read a fabulous book or walk around a market eating some delicious, cold gelato. And, the summer trip plans/invites are starting to take place! The Almalfi Coast, anyone?? Yes please!, I said to one friend, so we shall see. ☺ But how is this volcano still going?! More flights cancelled and my friend was stuck in a neighboring country yesterday. Well, just as long as it doesn’t interfere with too many holiday plans ☺

I recently procured the most amazing, entertaining book ever: The Birthday Book. It has within it not only the horoscopes of each month, but the specific horoscopes for each day of the year! My friends and I have had soo much fun reading through it and giggling at its character descriptions that so closely mirror our personalities. So much fun, for us it was a good laugh.

Hurray! My course will be done in 4 weeks and then I can really start to get back into enjoying the season: running in the park, lounging through picnics with friends, the cinema, a good club night…aww, the list goes on. Though I love uni for it’s creative outlet and structure, there is something about the 3rd term that makes you so anxious for a break that it is unavoidable! ☺ No matter, my projects are going great and I am producing a lot of work that I will be able to add to my growing portfolio. And soon I will have to start thinking of a theme for my final year! Hmmm, I wonder what it will be… ☺
Lots of love, enjoy your week and the sun!
– Carmen x x x