Holidays are just around the corner

So – time flies! The Holidays are just around the corner and the past few months seem a bit of a blur! Basically, uni has been taking up all of my time during the day, loads of work, loads of little things to do, etc. I always forget how crazy it can get term time, but I really love it and am really happy with my projects!

Thankfully uni has slowed down a lot in the past week so I have started to fit in a lot of fun stuff like dinners with friends, a little Winter Wonderland action and a few exhibitions.

Though it’s freezing again now you should definitely go for a quick bout in Winter Wonderland if you’ve got a good group of friends and family to come enjoy the festivities. The entrance of the park (well, the whole park, actually) is laden with food and drink stalls which are a great place to start so you can get warmed up and ready for the rest of the park without freezing. I definitely recommend the mulled wine stall, as alcohol is a necessity to keep warm! There is also a great hot dog stand, which is pretty delish, and another stall further down that does Jamon Serrano – Spanish ham that is to die for, and one of my favs. If you can, pre-book a slot on the ice skating rink! It will warm you up and fill you and your company with lots of laughs and good memories. All in all a fun time with lots of trinkets to buy, like jewelry and hand-blown Christmas ornaments to name a few; and lots of rides to satisfy both adults and kiddies. Just remember to dress warmly, bring cash, and you’ll have a ball!

Early on in the week I was able to go and view the new Gauguin exhibit at the Tate Modern with some friends. Though I am definitely a pre-Raphaelite girl myself, I always enjoy viewing artist’s work that I may not necessarily be drawn to, mainly for colour and shape reasons, which is very inspirational to me in the uni work that I do. All in all, it was a large exhibit with many pieces to view, including sculptural works and woodcarvings he completed during his lifetime as well. If you enjoy modern art, or are simply an art gallery enthusiast, make sure to check this one out.

This is me....I'm preparing for boxing day!

Wit Christmas just around the corner, there is now plenty of shopping that needs to be done and I am just the girl to do it! Though the crowds are always a bit off putting, I have found Sunday is a really good day to go around the city gift searching. But hands down I would have to say Westfield’s is the easiest and best store selection to get all of the gifts done, so I am sure I will be spending lots of time there – though a quick glance at the stalls in Spitalfield Market or Portobello always prove to be fruitful.

Well hope you all have a lovely week! No matter how you spend your time, enjoy curling up in out of the cold as much as you can – it’s one of my favorite past times of this season: good friends, good food and wine – and a blanket! More soon!


Carmen xxx