Tantric Soul-Gazing (A Recap)

In response to the post “Tantra Soul-Gazing: Creating Instant Intimate Connections“, Anonymous wrote:

“I had an experience soul gazing with a younger man, but it was not intentionally. When he gazed in my eyes and I gazed back, I saw a reflecting light and electricity that made me afraid, so I removed immediately my eye contact with him. Since I haven’t ever experienced it or heard about it, I researched and I found this tantra eye gazing.
I just want to ask, why is it there is a light? what is happening? Did he also see the light when we gazed in each others eyes? just curious. “

Dear Anonymous,

The soul-gazing experience can often take people on a journey that moves them beyond their normal everyday perceptions. What we perceive varies from one individual to the next, so a number of different things can happen. Some participants notice color changes or their partner’s face beings to morph into that of an older or younger individual. People who aren’t normally clairvoyant may begin to open up to greater perceptual abilities. At times, soul-gazing can provide us with valuable information about past or present lives. At other times, it allows us to perceive the colors of the aura, which is manifested as a colorful or colorless sphere of light surrounding the body. This might explain the light that you saw emitted from this young man. Some auras shine brighter than others, which is why we can be immediately attracted to one person, like a moth to a flame or completely repelled by another.

The Celts believed that the eyes are the “windows of the soul” which connects us to our “Anam Cara”, meaning, “friend of the soul.” However, in many cultures it is considered rude to look directly in someone’s eyes, let alone hold a lingering gaze. For now, setting aside cultural influence, what you need to understand is that soul-gazing or eye-gazing establishes a deep energetic connection with another human being, temporarily dissolving our illusion of separateness. It bypasses our intellect and the ego personality, exposing the true nature of our being, which is why some people feel a little bit vulnerable at first. However, once they let go of trying to control the feeling and surrender to the moment,soul-gazing can open you up to experiencing the most loving and profound spiritual connections, that take us far beyond mundane life. It is through this union that we can begin to understand the sacredness and interconnectedness of all things in this universe.

Every soul-gazing experience is individual and shared at the same time. Some people say that what we perceive is just a projection of our own psyche onto another person. Whether it is or isn’t, the question is, was your life enhanced in some way from this experience? You ask if this young man also saw this light…It just depends on whether he wanted to see it.

I hope this has answered your question and thank you for sharing in your experience.


P.S. To my readers, if you have had similar experiences, please share them too!