Swimming With Life’s Current

Someone recently asked me, “What do you want to do in the next 5 years?”

I answered, “I want to do whatever feels right.” I used to answer in the same way when my family would probe me about my career plans. My folks always got a little uncomfortable with my ambiguous replies, but I always told them that there is no certainty in an uncertain world.

The current of life will carry us regardless of whether or not we try to swim against it. I don’t know where this current is going or why it’s carrying me. All I know is that I want to live totally spontaneously…letting go completely.

We are so conditioned to follow a certain set of beliefs and ideas that often don’t coincide with our natures. Yet, we continue to bend ourselves and mold ourselves into the status quo, while our bodies violently protest by developing all kinds of illness and dis-ease.

That’s why meditation has become such a powerful part of my daily life. I am constantly working on purifying my energy and emptying my mind of all extraneous thoughts, because when the inner dialogue goes silent, our senses sharpen. Only then do we begin hearing those messages that can lead us to our highest purpose.

My senses and feelings are my personal thermometers. They guide my life. I’ve discovered that when my mind is filled with random thoughts, old habits and beliefs, my attention to what is truly important is compromised. My intuition becomes less accurate and I’m more likely to stumble.

By learning to silence my mind through deep meditation, I’ve discovered a powerful connectedness to my higher self or God. When I feel that connection, I know that no matter where I’m going or what I’m doing, I’m right where I’m supposed to be…