The Battle Of The Sexes Must End!

I don’t know about you, but it makes me feel very uncomfortable and downright pissed off, when I’m sitting and enjoying a pleasant lunch with my female companions, when suddenly someone blurts out “I hate men”, “all men are pigs”, “men are cheaters” etc.

or…my favorite one is “why can’t men be more like…”

…Like what?

Like WOMEN?!?

all men are pigs

all men are pigs

Are you kidding me? That’s the PROBLEM! While the rise of feminism was an asset in many ways, for creating new opportunities for women in the workforce, i fear that it has created a demasculinization of men in our society.

And I suspect that the rise of effeminate men, has developed as a response to the female pursuit of the illusion we call “equality”…a way for men to accommodate women, so that they themselves don’t lose their most valuable source of pleasure…

While it is unfortunate that women have historically gone through the many perils that undermined their value in society, I personally do not feel that my sex is a determinant of my success in life, in any way. The only thing that will ever stop me from breaking through the glass ceiling would be my own beliefs about what I can or cannot do. Plain and simple.

ps. I like this song, lol

What about when it comes to relationships? I meet countless numbers of women who talk about how men mistreat women, yet they themselves address their male partners with the same respect, as the family dog. Just look at commercials and you’ll find nothing but dumb and incompetent men “running into glass doors, trying in vain to outsmart an air freshener, eating the inedible or falling down for no reason whatsoever”, while self-righteous, independent and disenchanted women, roll their eyes…A look that says “See? I told ya so!”

So, when is this passive aggressive feminist retaliation going to END, in our society? When ALL men are castrated?

Whatever happened to just being human?

Glad to have taken this off my chest. Fortunately for me, I have the honor of being in a relationship with a man who has not been tainted and bent out of his masculine shape, by the uproar of women, unjustly treated.

He knows who he is and where he is going…the profile of a leader and to me, the ultimate male companion. One whom, I would not hesitate for a minute to follow, because it is in my feminine nature to do so.

Thank you for reading and I hope this stimulates much debate.